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Living Your Best Life in Your 20s

Living Your Best Life in Your 20s

Your 20s are probably one of the most important decades in your entire life. It’s where you have room to make mistakes, find yourself, and grow. So why are your 20s so important?

“Doing You”

This is the most important thing I’ve ever done for myself and I’m still on that road of self-discovery. At 23,  I finally began to understand what “doing you” meant. After graduating college you have so much time to reflect and be on your own. I was never comfortable with being alone which is why I dated from 19-22 but for the first time, I was learning how to do that. I would definitely say my last relationship was a blessing in disguise. I’m finally learning how to be happy on my own and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

You Learn Who Your Real Friends Are

Hmmmmm, adulting 101. You begin to register how healthy friendships are just as important as healthy relationships. Suddenly you realize how significant the friendships with the people that continue to make the effort in your life are, eventually becoming less concerned with the others.

You Begin To Go On Real Dates

Uhm yeah, I chugged half a bottle of rosé before going on my first real date. (but don’t worry after a few dates they’re not so bad) The dating pool goes from 0-100 real quick. Suddenly you have more options then you can count but you learn not to settle. Your 20s are where you learn what you want and don’t want. And for the guys reading this a little courting goes a long way.

Say Yes BUT Sometimes Learn To Say No

Life is all about new experiences. Saying yes will introduce you to new adventures, experiences, and opportunities that will benefit your life. With that being said, learning how to say no can be hard (still working on it) but sometimes it’s okay to stay in with a face mask, a bottle of wine, and have a night where you can just catch up on reruns of the bachelor. You time is important.

Living Your Best Life

Live your life to the fullest. Rachel Lindsay couldn’t have said it better herself. Everything that happens in your life happens for a reason. Life is literally a roller coaster ride. You can either scream every time you hit a bump or you can throw your hands up in the air and enjoy it. I don’t regret any of the decisions I’ve made in the past four years. If I did I wouldn’t have become the person I am today. You live, you learn, and you grow.

 It’s Okay to Mess Up

You’re in your 20s if you’re going to screw up now is the time to do it. This is the time where we’re not tied down to anything: no kids, no husband, no family to support. Take comfort in the fact that the time to make risky decisions is now. Wanna backpack Europe? do it. Wanna move across the state for a job completely opposite of what you studied? why not. You’re not supposed to have your sh*t figured out in your 20s & that’s okay.

 Choose to Be Happy Every Day

“Every Cloud has a Silver Lining”

I’ve always been an optimistic person. It’s probably one of the qualities I’m most well known for and that’s probably because I didn’t always live the best life growing up. You can’t always stress the things you have no control over but I chose happiness every single time. Life isn’t always sunshine and daisies, but choose to find happiness in everything.  Only you are in control of your life.

For me, my 20s have just become a journey of self-discovery, new life experiences, and lots of growing. I don’t have a plan but I’m excited for what my future will unfold.


Lexi Allyson

Lexi Allyson


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